UFO Filmed Over Detroit, Michigan – December 4, 2017

Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence (Low Res Video Quality)


The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 29, 2017. 

The witness’ brother submitted the following:

“My brother filmed this UFO 12-17 in Detroit, Michigan at night at our uncle’s home, no airports nearby.

The UFO was yellowish in the center, circling around was yellowish in various colors moving like a jelly fish, but as he filmed this thing the circular UFO appeared white, and that field around the object broke up in box form as static, but its plain to see. 

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It also made a right angle turn, then left before disappearing others witnessed it. I contacted local news fox2 here, no reply.”

The sighting occurred on the 4th, and the case was assigned to TBV Investigations’ researcher Dylan Santiso.

The Analysis

by Dylan Santiso, TBV Investigations

TBV Investigations received the original report from “Mike”, as he did not wish to disclose his identity in full.  After a calling Mike on January 4, 2018, it became apparent that Mike was reporting this case for his Brother, who we will refer to as “Hardy”.

I interviewed Hardy and asked for a better copy of the video that was submitted by his brother, Mike.   After numerous attempts to try to get a better quality and uncompressed version of the video, I was only able to obtain the following:

What I find interesting about the video is the first 3 seconds.  There seems to be two objects, one large and one small.  The small object jets away from the first one and is then out of the frame three seconds into the video.  Following, the object speeds up, then slows done at the 18 second mark, then seems to descend behind trees/buildings.

Witness Testimony/Interview

The red arrow follows the path of the object, as reported by the witness.

Harvey noted and answered questions regarding the before, after, and during recording periods:

  1. What geographical location was the sighting at?: Palmer Park – Pontchatrain, and 6 mile Road, Detroit MI.
  2. What direction was the witness facing at the time of sighting/recording?: Due East
  3. What time of day was it?: Between 21:30 and 21:45 on December 17, 2017
  4. What direction was the object flying?: East to also West
  5. Did anyone else see the object?: Yes, there were “quite a few people filming on the street”, according to the witness. Also, people pulled over in their cars to view and film the object. Rough)
  6. What did you see before you started filming the object?: According to the witness, the object appeared to be a street light and was viewed by multiple people on Pontchtrain facing 6 mile road and eastward. The object was stationary, shot up, then down, then traveled toward the witness, slowly, in a westerly direction.
  7. Style of Movement: Like a “jellyfish”. It had a “white membrane” with a point of orange light in the center.
  8. Sound: None
  9. Static Electricity: Phones seemed to be interrupted by some electric interference
  10. Height: 1,000 ft.
  11. The object was about 1/2 a mile away when filming occurred
  12. Missing Time: No
  13. Humming Noise or Feeling: No

Noted Airports in the vicinity: 

  1. Coleman A Young International Airport (Due East of Witness)
  2. Ford Airport (South Southwest of Witness)
  3. Detroit Metro International (southwest of Witness)

It is important  to note that the witness felt that that this sighting was of “unexplained origin”.


Unknown without better footage.  The video is highly pixelated and of poor quality.   However, the witness seemed honest, genuine, and lucid. 


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This post was published on January 10, 2018

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