Ronald Reagan’s Own Handwriting Emphasizes Importance of “alien threat” Reference in UN Speech, 1987


by John Greenewald, Jr., The Black Vault

One of the first programs I produced for television was entitled, “UFO Files: UFOs and the White House” which aired on the History Channel. I was the Associate Producer on the show, and I had the pleasure of visiting the Ronald Reagan Library to take a look at his Presidential Records for use in the program.

While researching the speech he gave to the United Nations where he referenced “an alien threat,” I made an interesting discovery in his own handwriting making sure what he called his “fantasy” stayed in the speech.

This is a very interesting piece of UFO history, and it clearly shows how important this reference was to Reagan to remain in the speech, despite his speechwriters trying to take it out.

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The images of the speech are above, and you can download the PDF here:

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This post was published on May 7, 2018

John Greenewald: