Mysterious Face-Like Rock or Statue on Mars

This analysis was created to show what the object would look like if the visible side we see in the photo, is mirrored.
Mysterious Face-Like Rock or Statue on Mars - Cropped and Zoomed
Mysterious Face-Like Rock or Statue on Mars (Original Photo)

Note from The Black Vault:  The image in this case file was discovered while digging through a massive archive of “raw” photos taken from the surface of Mars.  Many scour these types of photos to see what may be on the surface of Mars.

In this particular case, BlackVault User: Willease (who credits user “Mike_Edwards” for the find) posted this photo that has, what appears to be, a face partially buried in the Martian dirt.

Although this may just be a trick of light, shadows, and this is “only a rock” – it is archived here for research.

You will also find the high-resolution photo to download below, along with the original source NASA link (live and working as of 2/6/2014).

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Link to Original NASA Source Photograph

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This post was published on March 7, 2015

John Greenewald: