Identification of a White Substance that Formed Rings in Fields after Plowing (New Pine Creek, Oregon)


White circles have appeared in freshly plowed fields in New Pine Creek, Oregon.  It was first seen during plowing in May of 1995.

The white material in one field was sampled September 20, 1996.

This is an area that purportedly has high UFO activity, though to this analyst’s knowledge none were reported in conjunction with the appearance of the white circles.

Yet, the circle formation is a mystery.  The object of this analysis is to identify the white substance.

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Following are photographs of one of the sites.

These were provided via Dr. Levengood and Nancy Talbott.


– The white material forming rings in the soil is positively identified as calcium oxalate.

– There is a high probability that aged vegetation is the source of the calcium oxalate in the circles. It is noted that white calcium oxalate is common to many types of vegetation, e.g. damp aged mulch contains calcium oxalate.  (See microphotograph and spectrum of calcium oxalate from mulch on pages 7 and 8.)  However, the reason it is concentrating in the form of circles is unknown.

– Calcium oxalate was found to be in significant amounts in the famous Delphos, Kansas event.  In this 1972 event a UFO was observed releasing a large quantity of material.

The Analysis

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This post was published on September 20, 2016

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