Analysis of an Unknown Substance After a Suspected Alien Abduction (September 2005)


The background as described by the witness follows:

“About a month ago I woke up with a clearish, yellowish substance dried on my stomach and in my belly button. It was not on my nightgown or sheets. It itched, and when I scratched my stomach, it flaked off. I used the Q-tips to clean it up. When I told Richard Lee about this about a week later, he told me to keep the Q-tips, so I rescued them with the other Q-tips in the waste basket. I used 3 of them to clean up the yellowish substance. I didn’t have any signs of infection or other reason for the substance.

The next night I woke up upside down in my bed, like I had been thrown there rather carelessly. I don’t end up that way in my normal sleep. I don’t have any memories of anything happening. The night after that, I woke up with a very small amount of the yellowish substance on my stomach again. I think I cleaned that up with a wash cloth.

After one of these nights I weighed myself and found I was 10 lbs. lighter than I was the night before. I think that was after the 2nd night when I woke up on the bed wrong, but I can’t swear to which night it was. I honestly felt like I’d been given an alien amniocentisus after the first night, and that they had done a follow up on the third night. I did go to the doctor, and I’m not pregnant now so far as I know and they did do the tests. I’m also having problems with a hyperthyroid if that can play into any of this.”

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The object is to identify the substance on the Q-tips.


  • The analysis shows the substance on the Q-tip consists of an inorganic sulfate and a protein-type material. Specifically, the sulfate may be ammonium sulfate, and its origin is unknown. The protein is from a biological source such as fluids excreted from mammals, which would include humans. This material is similar to materials such as lymph, mucus, perspiration, and blood plasma. The specific identification remains elusive. It is my opinion that the biological material originates from the witness. The substance was noted to fluoresce under UV light.
  • It should be noted that a trace amount of long chain carboxylic acid is indicated. This is thought to be from outside contamination.

The Analysis

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