Woman Finds Strange Marks on Back After a Paranormal Experience


The following case was submitted to UFOs NorthWest, and it is used here with permission. It can not be reused or redistributed without prior permission.

This is the full view of the unexplained markings on the witness.

Location of Sighting: Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada
Date of Sighting: May 18, 2016 (Photo Taken on This Date)
Time of Sighting: 7:21 AM CDT (Time Photo Taken)

Witness Testimony: Hi: This is my second time waking up with these marks.

The last time was about 12 to 14 years ago. I went to the doctor both times and had no idea both times.

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I do have interesting events that happen when I was younger and still to this day. Feel free to contact me anytime. I would like some answers too.

UFOs NorthWest Note: It is not known what “experience” that the witness is referring to.

I have written to the witness to find out what happened before the marks were noticed. I expect a response in the next few days. Updates will be posted.

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This post was published on June 11, 2016

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