UFO Over Oak Lawn, Illinois

UFO Over Oak Lawn, Illinois (Screenshot)

The following was submitted to The Black Vault, and is used with permission.

Oak Lawn, IL   looking west, around 91st & Ridgeland Ave.

My son, 12 and another boy, 9,  were outside of a family party.
They saw (4) objects moving around in the stormy sky.  He ran inside, and grabbed his phone.  He said (3) took off with flight patterns never seen before.
The way he described the objects, I thought they were searchlights from a “Grand Opening” or an event of some kind.
However, at around 12-14 seconds, lighting illuminates the sky with the illuminated object obscured by the clouds, not light shining on the cloud.
That’s no searchlight.

Take a look, let me know what you think.


Oak Lawn IL
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This post was published on July 22, 2015

John Greenewald: