UFO Ejects Multiple Objects, Filmed in Infrared, October 21, 2017 – Long Beach, California

Case File Status: Unidentified, Possible Explanation Below


The following was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 20th, 2017. The witness described the encounter as the following:

“This sighting took place in my backyard in Long Beach CA, Carson Park to be specific. I spend many hours per week sky watching in the yard and have seen and recorded many UFOs there.

When I first spotted the UFO it looked very bright and was moving steadily across the sky. There were actually two objects at first when I spotted this bright orb. From a distance it looked larger than a plane and again very bright. I then grabbed the camera and started recording the object. When it became clear in the lens I realized it was a somewhat of an elongated object and it was glowing white. From here I just tried to keep the camera steady and record the UFO as smoothly as possible. After a minute or so things got very interesting once it released what looked like a triangular formation of orbs from it’s main body. As you can see in the footage the orbs were actually pretty large and held this formation very steady as they ejected from the main object.

Many UFO sightings I’ve had have been triangle formations so this to me was a confirmation that this was likely a UFO and a signal of communication. After the triangle formation disbanded I bungled the camera and lost track of it in the viewfinder. I then got it back in the lens and followed it in the sky for a few more minutes. Towards the end of the video on my last zoom in the UFO started ejecting what looked like tons of small spheres from it’s main body. I was very surprised to see and have never seen so many orbs come out of one object. The smaller orbs formed a trail going through the sky and seemed also take different formations. It’s important to note I could only see the small spheres through the infrared camera I could not see them with my naked eye. I did my best to keep the camera steady and film the event taking place. As the UFO crossed my hard it went behind a tree and I lost track of it in the camera. In the last few seconds though I could see the object was just above my head about to go behind this tree and it looked very large and very bright! I moved to the middle of the yard to try and record the object more but unfortunately couldn’t manage to get the UFO back in the lens. I could still see it but it was heading out of range.

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My arm was also very tired since I’d been filming for about 9 minutes. So I decided that was good enough and watched it go out of view towards the ocean. To this day it’s the most interesting capture I’ve caught on film. We see many UFOs at our house but this was by far the most exceptional. I don’t believe it to be skydivers or a military exercise. For one thing my infrared camera is a high end unit that has a 1345 mm telephoto lens designed for long distance shooting. The camera can easily articulate planes, helicopters, or anything in the sky with great clarity. We would for sure have been able to see that this was a plane or helicopter if it was a conventional object. This UFO also looked like many of the orbs we see and record with the bright, plasma type quality to it. They look like they’re alive in this type of plasmatic form.

There wasn’t any sound from the UFO. I could hear other airplanes flying at higher altitudes while recording the object. I live near long beach airport and see planes flying by all day.”

The case was assigned to TBV Investigations team member Christopher Connelly for investigation. 

The Analysis

Unfortunately, I am unable this object into a “shape” as throughout the video, it appears to be shifting, due to possible movement, camera angles or another reason yet to be identified.

The type of material the object was made of is impossible to determine, due to the film being in infrared.

Even though it is in infrared, it is impossible to get a heat signature from something at such a distance.

As the witness continues to watch the object, it appears to be moving slightly to the witness’ right.  As the object is being filmed, it begins dropping smaller heat signatures, or other objects, as it moves along.

Much like the main object, it is hard to make out the shape of these objects being dropped but they do not appear to be falling in a regular pattern.

At one time, you can see a triangular formation of three heat signatures falling to earth. Eventually, it appears that the object disappears behind the cover of a tree and filming ends at that time.

Corresponding Cases

The following case was filmed by the Long Beach Police Department on December 25, 2004, which looks very similar.  There is no context to the video, as it was found on YouTube, so it is hard to verify. But, it was uploaded in 2008, and appears to be very similar. The video can be found here: 

Possible Explanations

Skydiving Team – Recreational or Military

I reached out to local skydiving companies in the local area, but they would not give me any information in regards to any of the jumps.

About a hour and a half away lies Camp Pendleton, which is host to various Marine Corps and Navy units but from my military experience, I doubt that they would fly 1.5 hours out to perform jumps over Long Beach.

Another thing is that when a military or civilian jump is occurring, the craft is usually moving at a decent speed and the jumpers are dropped at intervals, not in sporadic formations that are seen in the video. There are cases of Special Forces performing small team jumps or even HALO (High Altitude Low Oxygen)  jump, but this doesn’t appear to be small teams.

I was unable to make out any sounds of the craft in the video and the witness states that there were none. I am unable to make any decision on the shape or color of the object due to the infrared and that this “jelly bean” shape may actually be its shape.


Due to the video, location of the sighting and the reoccurring sightings that have been reported with heavy supportive evidence, such as the object filmed by the Long Beach Police helicopter in ‘04 (see reference above), I have come to the conclusion that I am unable to identify this object using my range of scientific methods. I am unable to identify its origin as well.


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This post was published on January 29, 2018

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