Mysterious “Ghostly Apparition” appears in Russia (Viral Photo)

Case File Status: Hoax


by John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – TBV Investigations

This photograph appears on the Facebook / Edge of Wonder Page, as posted on February 14, 2018. Although there may be an earlier post “source” — this post alone has nearly 15,000 shares and more than 1,500 likes at the time of this writing, it constitutes as “viral” and deserves a mention here.

Reason being, the photograph is a fairly provable fake. But, don’t let that stop the masses from “sharing” it with the world. Why? Well, it has to be real despite evidence to the contrary.  Why? Well, the post says it’s real. So, if you read it on the internet, it HAS to be true!

Here is the text of the original post:

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It happened in Russia. 
They said this is not fake, what do you think?

cr. web

But don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.

The Evidence

The Analysis

Doing a slight crop on the image, then conducting a reverse image search, multiple matches to an identical “apparition” are discovered.

First discovered, believed to be the source, is a graphite sketch appearing on moziru, and on a large list of artistic work using “Graphite” as the medium.

There is no artist information, but rather, simply a caption, which reads: “Drawn artistic graphite #879”

Second, is information about a music album in Spanish, entitled “Accidents – El Fantasma en mi” which has the following cover art:

Although there are slight variations between the two examples found on Google, the image in question above, of an apparition in Russia, is clearly an exact copy of the first example. Here is an overlay showing the image in question, vs. the first graphite drawing.

Both layers are on top of each other, which different color balances to differentiate between the two.

The hoaxer did skew the original artwork (they changed the aspect ratio) but it took only seconds to do the same thing in Photoshop, and see that the finger placement, body, etc. are a perfect/identical match.


With the evidence given above, this case is comfortably labeled a hoax.

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This post was published on February 21, 2018

John Greenewald: