Man Sees Flash of Light & Then Experiences Time Loss

Note from The Black Vault: There is very little know about this case. It is archived here for reference, but does lack appropriate details.


Date of Sighting: January 15, 2006
Time of Sighting: 3:40 AM Local Time
Duration of Sighting: Unknown
Date Reported: January 16, 2006
Location of Sighting: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Latitude: 53.3 Degrees N
Longitude: 113.6 Degrees W
Number of Witnesses: One
Cloudy Skies

I saw a big flash of light and then experienced time and memory loss.

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Investigator’s Notes: I have attempted to reach the witness to find more details about his experience. I have not yet received any information.  Given the brief report made by the witness little is known about his experience.

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This post was published on April 17, 2015

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