w/ Video

Eerie video shows bizarre black ring hovering over village before vanishing into thin air

By Elle Griffiths, The Mirror The footage of the strange phenomenon, filmed in Kazakhstan, has…

Anonymous Letter Confirms Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, Coast Guard UFO Video

Background Note from The Black Vault: The following letter was submitted, and the person requested…

Daylight Footage of Unidentified Object over Ireland

Witness testimony from YouTube: Out walking dog in fields and spotted this in the sky,…

UFO sightings over Australia captured in YouTube footage

BY: MARV DUMON Is it an alien spaceship or a top secret military plane? On…

UFO Detector Capture: UFO over Germany

This object was caught using the UFO Detector, a free software which utilizes your computer…

UFO Captured with the UFO Detector, 1-31-2015, North Hollywood, California

This object was caught using the UFO Detector, a free software which utilizes your computer…

‘UFO spent four hours hovering above our rural home’

'UFO spent four hours hovering above our rural home', claims family after capturing video footage…

UFO Captured with the UFO Detector, 1-31-2015, North Hollywood, California

This object was caught using the UFO Detector, a free software which utilizes your computer…

UFO cover cloud video surfaces online

An amazing cloud formation filmed in Russia has led some observers to conclude that the…

UFO Allegedly Lands In New Mexico, 2012

Millennium Falcon lands in Roswell? Footage takes Internet by storm By David Martosko Conspiracy theorists…