The Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) is the Army’s element to USSTRATCOM’s Theater Event System (TES). TES The ongoing cooperation between the Army and Air Force continues to be essential to the long-term growth of the Army’s space professional cadre. High Frontier provides an integrated, in-theater, 24-hour overhead non-imaging infrared detection capability for processing and disseminating missile early warning, alerting, and cueing information data to combatant commanders and missile defense assets through the use of stereo processing of the Defense Support Program (DSP) satellite data. The TES is composed of three ground elements: the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) Mission Control Station, the JTAGS, and the Tactical Detection and Reporting system. By processing DSP direct down-linked infrared data, the JTAGS provides timely notification of missile launches to theater forces. The JTAGS in-theater capability will be enhanced significantly as its hardware and software are upgraded to interface with the future SBIRS High and Space Tracking and Surveillance System satellite constellations.
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