On May 13, 2021, The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review request with the CIA, seeking to lift redactions on the document known as the “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation” manual, dated July 1963. The case, EOM-2021-00117, aimed to reveal more about the CIA’s interrogation techniques by lifting the redactions on the originally released manual.
Although the declassification revealed very little new information, it did shed light on some articles related to interrogation that were used as reference material when the manual was written, prompting further requests by The Black Vault for various “Studies in Intelligence” documents. It appears they have likely been released through other FOIA requests, but requests have been filed to ensure they have been.
The KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual provides a comprehensive guide on the interrogation process, focusing on psychological strategies rather than physical coercion. The manual covers various aspects, including the legal and policy considerations, the characteristics of the interrogator and the interrogatee, and different interrogation techniques.
The document emphasizes the importance of understanding the psychological state of the interrogation subject and how it affects brain function. It also discusses the use of drugs in interrogation, physiological responses as a means of evaluating information, the potential uses of hypnosis in interrogation, and the experimental investigation of interpersonal influence.
The July 1963 KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual
Download July 1963 KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual [132 Pages, 63.4MB]
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