The Department of Energy / Office of Scientific and Technical Information “Cold Fusion” Collection
In 2015, the OSTI received a collection of documents relating to “Cold Fusion” from one of the DOE program offices.
They didn’t know what to do with the material because it didn’t really mesh with their existing collections of documents. The notes about the collection were removed after a short time from the OSTI online catalogue, but in May of 2016, I requested a copy of each letter to and from universities, companies, and organizations, from the OSTI ‘cold fusion’ documents collection.
They released the information to me, in full.
The below is an index of the .PDF files released. They are organized in the exact form they were received, and were obtained “read only.” I kept them in this form, and offer them for download in the way they were received.
.PDF CD Contents
Note: Some of the .PDFs below have “Attachments” within the PDF. Make sure those are not overlooked while you are reading.
Ashcroft Acceptance of Preliminary Findings.pdf 621K Ashcroft Request for Review Copy.pdf 143K Beck Comments on Proposal.pdf 707K Beck Request for Review Copy.pdf 139K Beck Reviewer .pdf 1.1M Ben Bush.pdf 3.1M CFRA.pdf 24M Carolyn Moore.pdf 1.0M Charles Tobias.pdf 146K Chase Peterson.pdf 2.1M Cold Fusion Panel.pdf 5.8M David Thompson.pdf 221K Dr Arata.pdf 1.8M E-Quest.pdf 772K ERAB.pdf 1.3M Falicov Proposal Comments.pdf 730K Falicov Request for Review Copy.pdf 141K Falicov Reviewer .pdf 380K Fleischmann's Rebuttal.pdf 1.4M Frederick Mayer.pdf 6.0M Fusion Info Center.pdf 565K Hal Fox.pdf 12M Harold Lewis.pdf 1.0M Hon Dick Swett.pdf 278K Huizenga.pdf 4.2M J Briand.pdf 331K JETRO.pdf 4.4M Johann Rafelski Reviewer .pdf 911K Johann Rafelski.pdf 1.8M John Bockris.pdf 1.2M Jones Comments on Proposal.pdf 711K Jones Request for Review Copy.pdf 145K Kladiva.pdf 1.1M LM Falicov.pdf 281K MIT.pdf 589K Magnetic Power.pdf 794K Magnus Jandel.pdf 197K Martha Krebs.pdf 1.0M Mizu-Tech.pdf 5.9M Monkhorst.pdf 2.9M Neil Ashcroft Reviewer .pdf 602K Neil Ashcroft.pdf 429K OIC - Ion Band.pdf 542K OIC - Los Alamos.pdf 563K OIC.pdf 2.4M Pon's Procurement Request.pdf 141K Pon's Rebuttal.pdf 1.6M Pons Receipt Proposal.pdf 132K Pons Reviewers Proposal.pdf 1.1M Pons-Fleischmann Proposal.pdf 943K Professor Pons.pdf 237K Provo Conference.pdf 5.9M R Gajewski.pdf 244K Rafelski - Comments on Proposal.pdf 687K Rafelski Request for Review Copy.pdf 143K Rafelski.pdf 361K Stanley Pons.pdf 369K Steven E Jones.pdf 3.6M Technidyne Associates.pdf 2.0M Technova Inc.pdf 183K Theodore Beck.pdf 1.3M Transfer of 28 PDFs to Headquarters Part Two.pdf 66K Transfer of 28 PDFs to Headquarters..pdf 68K Transfer of Batch One Letters for Headquarters Review.pdf 69K Transfer of Batch Two Letters.pdf 67K Transfer of Eight Memos to Headquarters.pdf 17M Transfer of One Memo to Headquarters.pdf 64K Transfer of Two Memos to Headquarters.pdf 27M Tritium Production.pdf 2.0M Understanding Tritium Production.pdf 1.3M WJ Schafer.pdf 188K
Additional Releases
Jones - Review Process Mater.pdf 246K Pon's Statement of Intent.pdf 1.6M Pon's Submission of New Proposal.pdf 205K Revised Budget.pdf 1.1M Transfer of 5 Memos to Headquarters.pdf 66K University Utah Project Proposal.pdf 17M
Crossroads Technology.pdf 2.3M GC Sponsler.pdf 17M Robert Simon.pdf 538K Status.pdf 6.3M Transfer of 6 PDF files to Headquarters.pdf 66K Victor Reis.pdf 1.4M Weston Stacey.pdf 4.0MFollow The Black Vault on Social Media: