According to Wikipedia:
Gul Rahman (died 20 November 2002) was an Afghan man, suspected by the United States of being a militant, who was a victim of torture. He died in a secret CIA prison, or black site, located in northern Kabul, Afghanistan known as the Salt Pit. He had been captured October 29, 2002.
His name was kept secret by the United States for more than seven years although his death was announced. In 2010 the Associated Press reported that before his death he was left half-stripped and chained against a concrete wall on a night when the temperature was close to freezing. The United States government did not notify his family (wife and four daughters) of his death, according to the report.
The CIA conducted an investigation into his death, and the record was first released in 2016. The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request in June of 2019, and the record was re-released with much less redaction.
Below, you will find the release of the record, and the new information revealed.
Document Archive
The CIA’s Death Investigation of Gul Rahman, 2002 [37 Pages, 16MB] – Released March of 2020 to The Black Vault after an MDR.
The CIA’s Death Investigation of Gul Rahman, 2002 – Highlighted Newly released information – [37 Pages, 16MB] – This is the document above, with newly released information highlighted.
Previous Releases
The CIA’s Death Investigation of Gul Rahman, 2002 – 2016 CIA Release – [37 Pages, 16MB]
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