world war II

American Bombardment and the German Air Force, Circa 1945

Background This document is a study on the effects of the allied bombardment campaign on the German air force. It…

March 2, 2021

Cantonment Areas: Study of Urban Patterns, Dispersed Layouts and Disruptive Patterns – May 1942

Background The following document is titled: Cantonment Areas: Study Using Urban Pattern, Study of Dispersed Layout, Study of Disruptive Patterns.…

February 23, 2021

Report of the Coast Artillery Board on Project No. 1153, Heavy Antiaircraft Gun, March 9, 1939

Background This document had been classified since 1939, and has never seen the light of day. In fact, at the…

February 20, 2017

Pearl Harbor

Background Aircraft and midget submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy began a surprise attack on the U.S. under the command…

September 6, 2016

Air Power for Patton’s Army

The 19th Tactical Air Command in the Second World War Presents a case study of one air-ground team's experience with…

March 4, 2015