I have decided to take some time and go after corroborating documents to UFO sightings seen around the states. Hundreds are reported to MUFON’s CMS Database and many other places around the internet. Some, have a military connection; jets chasing the UFO, military aircraft seen nearby, etc.
As proven by the Chicago O’Hare sightings, and hopefully others, radar towers, military installations, etc., are effected by the sighting of a UFO. Below, you will see some documents from around the government and military complex trying to verify UFO activity. Sometimes, not always with good luck.
Document Archive
5/18/2009, UFO over Arizona and New Mexico later identified as Weather Balloon – Originally called a UFO, a mysterious object seen over Arizona and New Mexico was identified as a weather balloon from NASA. Attached are documents that were released by NASA of the data collected by the mission.
Beale Air Force Base Tower Logs 03-17-2009 – On March 17, 2009, many UFO events took place in California and Arizona that have a military connection. Although it does not appear they are directly related, something was going on. In this request, I chased down (pardon the pun) the tower logs for this night from Beale Air Force Base, the location of a UFO sighting on the same date.
As reference, check out, “Military busy chasing CA UFOs March 17 (The Examiner, 03-18-2009)” by Roger Marsh. This outlines the sighting, and the documents are available above.
Also, please include all documents pertaining to any and all missions on February 23, 2009, that scrambled aircraft into the air.”