This document transcript was originally released in 2012 with redactions. In December of 2018, I requested that the document be reviewed again when I filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request. There was additional information released, which includes the identity of the Kennon satellite in the interview, which was previously redacted.
According to Wikipedia:
“Hans Michael Mark (born June 17, 1929 in Mannheim, Germany) is a former Secretary of the Air Force and a former Deputy Administrator of NASA. He is an expert and consultant in aerospace design and national defense policy. Mark retired from the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin’s Cockrell School of Engineering in July 2014.”
Gerald Haines was the official historian of the NRO, at the time, when he conducted this interview. It should be noted that Mr. Haines worked also for the CIA, NSA and others.
Document Archive
Dr. Hans Mark Interviewed by Gerald Haines, 12 March 1997 [37 Pages, 17MB] – 2019 Release
Dr. Hans Mark Interviewed by Gerald Haines, 12 March 1997 [36 Pages, 2.2MB] – 2012 Release
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